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Introduction (Post #1)

Problem: Which crop basil (Ocimum basilicum), watercress (Nasturtium officinale), or cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) grows best in an aquaponics system?


Independent Variable: The type of plant grown.

Dependent Variable: The growth of the plants.

Hypothesis: If we grow basil, watercress, and cilantro in the same aquaponics system, then watercress will show the best growth (determined by leaf length, width, and overall coloration of the plant).


Method for controlling variables

Plant the seeds in separate areas of growth medium. Each crop (2 of each) will be planted in same growth medium, given exposure to the same amount of light, and given access to approximately the same amount of nutrients.


Data collection methods

Every 2 days after germination measurements of height and cotyledon length will be taken. When cotyledons fall off and leaves come out, leaf length/width and plant height will be measured.


Processing Raw Data

After that the total growth will be looked as the percentage of growth when compared to the average normal growth for the specific crop (basil, watercress, and cilantro). These percentages will then be compared to determine which plant had optimal growth in the aquaponics system.


Presenting Data

Numerical data gathered over time will be graphed as growth over time. Graphs will include line graphs, and bar graphs with appropriate error bars.  

Aquaponics Image.JPG


  1. Transfer the 3 sunburst platies (Xiphophorus maculatus)  from bowls to fish tank.

  2. Plant watercress , basil , and cilantro (2 of each plant) in the growth medium (LECA) about 4 in apart.

  3. Feed sunfish once a day during 4th period at approximately 11:00 am.

  4. Clean tank around once every 2 weeks, while making daily observations to check fish health and adjusting cleaning frequency as needed.  

  5. Collect data every 2 days, and make general qualitative observations on health of the plants (coloration etc.).  

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